

FEXPOCRUZ is an institution led by the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz (CAINCO) and the Agricultural Chamber of the East (CAO), it was founded in 1962 and since then it has been aimed at creating scenarios where entrepreneurs, businessmen and visitors connect creating memorable experiences and development results for all of society through fairs and events of a political, social and economic nature.
Oficinas de la Fexpocruz
A little bit of

Our Story

FEXPOCRUZ is an iconic entity in Bolivia, of a private non-profit nature, which was founded in 1962 by the two most representative productive institutions of Santa Cruz, and which stand out both at the Bolivian and international levels: the Agricultural Chamber of the East (CAO) and the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz — Bolivia (CAINCO).
Fotos de shows
We drive progress.
To be the biggest generators of opportunities in Bolivia.
We create the best experiences, connections and relationships for millions of people.

Global Presence
Fexpocruz leads at UFI

FEXPOCRUZ becomes the first Bolivian trade fair entity to become president of the Latin American Chapter of the Association of International Fairs (UFI). Raul Strauss, General Manager of FEXPOCRUZ, was elected to lead this key position for the 2023-2026 administration, reinforcing Bolivia's presence on the global stage of fairs and exhibitions. This achievement not only promotes the internationalization of the trade fair industry in Bolivia, but it also opens doors to attract world-class events to the region.
See press release

What we achieved together

Fexpocruz in numbers
visitors per year
Exhibiting brands at fairs
Jobs generated

Experiences and opinions

“Expocruz is an opportunity, it's growth, it's simply Santa Cruz”

Cecilia Bellido
See interview

“Graphic artists, during the days of fairs, exhibit their best creations to show off at Expocruz”

Luis Cabrera
Graphic Artist
See interview

“Our sales after participating in Expocruz increased fivefold”

Daniela Amelunge
See interview

“This fair moves a lot of things, there are a lot of entrepreneurs who are here”

Hugo Milcent
Head of Economic Affairs at the Embassy of France
See interview

“Expocruz brings together companies from all over the world in one space”

José Schulz
Ambassador of Germany
See interview

“Expocruz represents a great business opportunity for all entrepreneurs who come from abroad and of course from Chile”

Raúl Rivera
Consul of Chile
See interview

“Expocruz is committed to its country, to progress, to businessmen and entrepreneurs”

Sandra Cossio
See interview

“Expocruz is a source of pride for us, the people of Cruceño and Bolivia in general”

Sonia Barrientos
See interview

“Go back to your childhood and remember those magical moments at the fair sharing with your family”

Vera Lucía
See interview

“Expocruz is the best thing that Bolivia has, that South America has”

Walter Añez
See interview

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